Interview with Christine Daley of Daley Delivery

I've always been drawn to people who find their true calling and embrace it with every fiber of their being. Christine Daley is one of these rare individuals. Growing up in the kitchen, her early love affair with food and cooking blossomed into a remarkable culinary journey. She is the most charming, kind hearted, smart, ‘life of the party’ gal and is a pleasure to be around. Her cooking is icing on the cake! 


What inspired you to create Daley Delivery and how has it evolved over the years?

About 10 years ago, one of my favorite people was pregnant with her second and nauseous around food. I filled her fridge with fully-prepared meals she just had to reheat and eat. That was the start. I realized that people were looking for non wasteful, easy, healthy options to fill their fridge. And I’ve expanded to not just the meal delivery but I also cook for events, do catering and am a private chef.  

Can you tell us about your role and what aspect of your job really sparks joy for you?

My role is owner, customer service, chef, delivery, marketing, accounting, and support. I’m all hands on and in! The whole thing brings me joy to be honest. BUT I really love coming up with the menus every week for here and in Connecticut. And I really love doing private chef work. I get to be in people’s homes and get to know the clients. My meal delivery service keeps me cooking in my commercial kitchen alone so it’s nice to be with people and I love getting to see the joy that the food brings to my clients. 

What are your go-to sources for inspiration?

The seasons, the farmers markets here in LA are incredible, my mom’s box of recipes and truthfully other chefs who I follow on social media platforms also bring me a lot of inspiration!

How would you describe your personal style at the moment? How would you describe your home aesthetic?

I have always been a t-shirt and jeans gal BUT I’ve been trying to dress more feminine and be braver with colors. My home is a place where I have a lot of color. I like it to feel cozy and to be a place people want to come and stay. It’s a mixture of travel, my childhood home, bold colors, and photos everywhere.

What's your favorite aspect of living or working on the westside?

I walk out my door and walk the beach every morning. It’s a gift and a humbling moment every morning (and evening) on my walks.

What's your favorite dish to make?

Hard question. Depends on the season but in general I like to make intimate dinners. There’s nothing that brings me more joy than loved ones around a table, sharing a meal, laughing and in no rush to go anywhere. That’s the best! I also make a mean chicken parm.

What's your top essential cooking tool?

A sharp, great chef’s knife.

What's one meal you could eat every day?

Pizza because even bad pizza is still pizza.

Favorite LA restaurant right now?


Which room in your home do you love the most, and can you share why?

The kitchen is always my favorite place. Even with my small kitchen, everyone manages to congregate there while I’m cooking. And I love my living room. There’s a fire place and squishy, leather chairs I grew up with along with a big comfy couch from HD Buttercup. There are photos and paintings all over and lots of plants. I think it’s important to have plants in the home!

Tara Rodgers